HANSE Partner-Sponsorship
Become 2021 a HANSE Sponsor. Year over year, HANSE has shown to be resilient to drastic market crashes in both the financial and global energy-. gas and oil markets. The program supports HANSE OIL partnerships and investors at a global level global level and grants our Sponsors a highly attractive return.
Our Partners
2417 accredited global partners; combined with secure trade corridors and gateways, our infrastructure facilitates continual supply chain and business operations.
Your No-Risk Deposit
Deposit €250 (or a multiple). The program provides guaranteed and full reimbursement of contribution upon first request according to instruction, Period.
The Fees and Application
None-returnable, one-time administration- fee of €50 (based on all contributions not exceeding €2500). Formless Application by email-acceptance.
The Concept
Financial Partipation on the consolidated turnover concluded by our accredited and licensed trade partners (broker and trader) accross all portfolios.
Your Projected Return
10pct interests p.a. guaranteed during the first 12 months, payable in arrears half-yearly, or by recapitalization. Avg. yield in the last three years 18,82pct p.a.
Termination and Refund
One-Year period for the first year, thereafter with three months notice without cause. Full reimbursement of deposit. No fees, or other deductions.
Questions and Answers
HANSE OIL ShippingUnless otherwise agreed all shipments are operated by HANSE OIL (Iberica) Shipping, or in cooperation with China Line or Maersk and in compliance with INCOTERMS (latest revision) C.F.R. and Gencon Charter Party. HANSE would assist to cover (Marine) Insurance upon special request.
Marine InsuranceBasically, we deliver according to INCOTERMS latest revision, C.F.R. port of destination. Upon request HANSE is prepared to offer Marine Insurance based on a signed FTS firm Term Sheet.
SurveillanceInspection will be conducted at the port of loading at sellers expense. We usually work with internationally recognzeable Inspectors, or as mutually agreed with the buyer.
Tank StorageWe provide storage by (off-shore) terminal agreements at may locations worldwide where we can also assist our clients with customs formalities, documentation and credit (forfaiting) services. Please visit HANSE Finance fr more information regarding our "Non-Recourse Contract Forfaiting).
HANSE Documentary Electronical PaymentUpon agreement we connect our licensed clients to the HANSE Electronic Payment Network that comfortably allows payment settled and monitored within 30 Minutes. Generally, we accept payment by irrevocable and confirmed documentary letter of credit in standard format that does allso apply for all HANSE purchases, unless otherwise agreed.
Non-Recourse Contract ForfaitingPrincipally, we are prepared to negotiate to forfaite of your sales- or purchase agreement up to 85% - we shall pay your seller within 10d and acknowdge your contract to your buyer upfront if requested, all referenced by a HANSE Refinery Trust Receipt. Except your HANSE Sales- or Purchase Contract we provide finance support under mutually tailored terms and conditions. Contact our finance department: hanse.finance@hanseoil.asia