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We verify customer identities, monitor transactions, and prevent fraud. Customers can trust our services, knowing we prioritize their safety and regulatory compliance. Customers gain confidence in their strategic choices, knowing they are backed by thorough evaluations. Relationship with Banks and Basel IV Rules: Maintaining strong relationships with banks and our partners is essential for seamless business operations. Maintaining strong relationships with banks is essential for seamless financial operations. We adhere to Basel IV rules, which enhance stability and risk management. Our customers benefit from both a robust banking- and trading system, reducing uncertainties. Our customers rely on us for critical business- and finance decisions.
Compliance and Integrity go hand in hand

HANSE Energy shows zero tolerance toward corruption, violations of the principles of fair competition and other breaches of the law – and where these do occur, we take swift action. But compliance means much more than just adhering to laws and to the regulations described in the HANSE Energy Business Conduct Guidelines. Compliance forms the basis for all our decisions and activities, and it is the key to integrity when conducting business. Our premise is this:  Only clean business is HANSE Energy business. This applies worldwide and at all levels of the organization. In addition to combating corruption and competition and export-control violations, the Compliance Department also protects our company against fraud and money laundering as well as safeguards personal data and human rights. 

Beneficiary: HANSE CONSULTANTS GMBH, Vienna (Austria)

Bank: Die Erste Bank, Vienna (Austria)

IBAN: AT572011182255812801


Hong Kong (AIA Central)
Connaught Road,1, Hong Kong

Singapore 018983, Marina Bay, Marina Boulevard 10, Financial Tower 1

London SE1 2RE, London Bridge,
3,  More London Riverside,
London, SE1 2RE

Vienna, 1010, Vienna, Tuchlauben 7a

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